last few weeks were not the most fantastic ones, so many things going on at the same time.
oh yes and im proud to say! ahs choir. GOLD WITH HONOURS! (: im so proud of you guys. i dont care if other people say you all were just tyco. i love you all and im so so happy. (:
syfs, concerts and loads of performances have been flying around recently. i cant seem to get my days and dates right. um i just realised my library book's more than a week due. yucks. i feel like posting up loads and loads of photos again. cant wait for class blog to be up! (: loads of unglam photos to put up. i love 07A14. we totally rock. drawing silly drawings and writing pick up lines during lectures. haha. taking random photos of each other sleeping, eating and unglaming.
rights, im not supposed to be com-ing now. goodnight world. chocolate dreams.
thank you Daddy for sending this group of glorious people to me to be my blessing. i'd never exchange them for anything in the world. (:

janey's and my entertainment (:

janey's BEST FRIEND!

best friend's other friends
07A14 babes
chialing cherissa smelly!
no hair
isabelle xianhui jialing
3c05 (:
sexies (:
A is for alena! (:

darlings (:
yay i love photos. they make me happy. dont you? (: